Design, engineering and technology

AQA Life skills for Teenagers: Making Toast
Thank you for purchasing this resource. This pack consists of following resources required for successful delivery of lesson whether it is face to face, in a classroom or ZOOMING. It consists of:
PowerPoint presentation
AQA Award unit worksheet
Incudes Aims and Outcomes
If your students are working towards City & Guilds Units or AQA Award Unit, all resources will help your students achieve their awards.

My Healthy Junk Fast Food
This is brilliant resource if you are zooming lesson or teaching within a classroom. This resource is a research base independent learning, perfect for preparing year 10 students for their GCSE’s exams.

Sustainability-Food miles/Carbon footprints
This is a perfect resource if you are doing cross curriculum as its connected to Climate Change, STEM, Geography, Food Technology, Tourism.
This lesson can be used as a zoom lesson as the power-point contains independent research work by the students.

Food Miles
This lesson is a perfect resource if you are thinking of zooming but its great, tried and tested face to face in a classroom. This lesson is research based, making students to work independently or you can buddy them.
This resource contains a power point with 3 research tasks for students to complete.

Food Court or Food Miles
This resource is perfect whether you are zooming lesson or teaching face to face to students. This lesson is based on research and working independently on their laptop or computers.
This resource can be used as Introductory lesson on Food miles or just research based lesson. Other scaffolding lessons connected are available too but if you can’t find what you need, please leave a message.

Tray Liners
Perfect lesson for designing tray liners, very useful for graphics, food technology, science. This lesson can be also used as cross curriculum but useful in zooming or face to face.

All about Food Courts
Perfect lesson for zooming or teaching face to face. This resource is part of the Food Miles but can also taught on its own.
This resource contains the power-point on Food Court.